Shadows and Mirrors
A selection of illusions based around reflections in mirrors and shadows being cast. Some artists such as Shigeo Fukuda have made a name for themselves producing pieces that appear abstract but that cast the shadows of recognisable objects.
Category: Shadows and Mirrors Shadow woman illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
6 comment(s)There are a number of different objects in this optical illusion including a table, a pair of shoes, a folding deck chair and a bottle of wine. All these items have been strategically put in place so ...
Category: Shadows and Mirrors Cat with wolf shadowAdded: February 12, 2013 |
1 comment(s)This funny optical illusion picture was taken outside of a cat sitting quietly on concrete in the sun. However instead of casting a shadow of a cat which is what you would expect to see in this image,...
Category: Shadows and Mirrors Shadow StreetAdded: February 12, 2013 |
19 comment(s)This one is quite confusing, what part of this picture consists of shadows and which of solid figures ? If you aren't sure, try looking at it upside-down....
Category: Shadows and Mirrors Lunch With A Helmet OnAdded: February 12, 2013 |
28 comment(s)Another illusion from Shigeo Fukuda, in this one he's welded together 848 knives, forks and spoons to produce an object the shadow cast from which forms the perfect shape of a motorcycle on the ground...
Category: Shadows and Mirrors Shadow CoupleAdded: February 12, 2013 |
16 comment(s)This piece of art by Tim Noble and Sue Webster is little more than a pile of garbage but amazingly the shadow cast on the back wall from the trash shows the image of a couple relaxing with a cigarette...
Category: Shadows and Mirrors Mirror CarryingAdded: February 12, 2013 |
20 comment(s)Here's a simple illusion achieved with the use of a mirror, this man is carrying the mirror on his shoulder with the reflective side outward thus achieving the illusion that he has no head....
Category: Shadows and Mirrors Piano mirror illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
21 comment(s)This impressive illusion by Shigeo Fukuda is sure to boggle the mind. On the right we can see a strange structure made out of various piano parts and shapes, yet when viewed in the mirror on the left ...