Shape and Color
In this section you will find illusions based around shapes and colors. There are several puzzles shown here sure to boggle the mind, have a look through them and see if you can see through each of the illusions, some of them might seem straight forward but are actually a lot more difficult to visualise than you might think, even when you are told how they work.
Category: Shape and Color Hidden animals in trees illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
8 comment(s)In this simple black and white optical illusion drawing you can see a group of trees. Hidden amongst the trees are a number of animals which include a lion, deer, pig and a horse. Those are the easier...
Category: Shape and Color Pencils illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
20 comment(s)Here we have a simple optical illusion image of a row of blue artist pencils. As you can see these pencils have eraser ends and the points have been sharpened ready for use. If you count the sharpened...
Category: Shape and Color Taps running water illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
5 comment(s)This optical illusion image is a row of open taps with blue water flowing down from each one of them. When you look at this picture can you see the blue water lines twist up and down as if they are fl...
Category: Shape and Color Confusing reading illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
21 comment(s)In this optical illusion there is a wall of black text on a white background. When you first look at what it says it appears to be nothing but nonsensical gibberish, however this is not the case. Look...
Category: Shape and Color Valentines Day heart illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
2 comment(s)What better optical illusion for Valentines Day than an image of a beating heart. As you can see this is a picture of a heart shaped image made up from what could be a gold necklace on a red square ba...
Category: Shape and Color Bird in the bush triangle illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
33 comment(s)This optical illusion is one of those kinds where your brain works faster than your eyes and you think you have read the text correctly when in fact you most likely have not. So let us start by lookin...
Category: Shape and Color Hidden message illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
15 comment(s)There is nothing to see in this image you might be thinking to yourself, it just looks like a randomly patterned grey and white box. If that is all you can see when looking at this optical illusion th...
Category: Shape and Color Moving text illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
4 comment(s)If you read the text in this illusion you will see the words appear to move in the same direction as mentioned in the image. Moving rightward appears to move rightward while Moving leftward appears to...
Category: Shape and Color Zebra illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
22 comment(s)This is an image of zebras eating hay, but can you spot exactly how many zebras there are ?...
Category: Shape and Color Shake your head illusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
58 comment(s)Here's an illusion that's sure to give you a headache. Try staring at the vertical lines while shaking your head from side to side - you should see something interesting....
Category: Shape and Color Cafe Wall IllusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
11 comment(s)This cafe found in Bristol at the bottom of St Michael's Hill features an elaborate wall design. The black and white pattern uses straight horizontal lines however to the observer the lines appear to ...
Category: Shape and Color Birds IllusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
30 comment(s)This repeating pattern of an orthinological variety contains a number of birds - but exactly how many of each colour are there ?...
Category: Shape and Color Dalmation IllusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
16 comment(s)This illusion shows a dalmation sniffing around on the ground. The dog itself nor its surroundings can be identified by any one of the shapes in the image, but when taken as a whole the image of the d...
Category: Shape and Color Fraser Spiral IllusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
8 comment(s)Developed by psychologist James Fraser in 1908, the Fraser Illusion appears to be a spiral pattern converging in the distant center with a black, white and grey chequered background. In reality the sp...
Category: Shape and Color Striped Circles IllusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
12 comment(s)These two shapes made up of striped lines look wavey and disorganised, however on closer inspection they actually make up two perfect circles, one inside the other....
Category: Shape and Color Bulging SquaresAdded: February 12, 2013 |
10 comment(s)This black and white grid appears to bulge outwards in a circular form despite the fact that it is made up entirely of squares. The black square in the center represents the point that appears to be c...
Category: Shape and Color Color WordsAdded: February 12, 2013 |
32 comment(s)Have a look at this chart and go through the words one by one saying out loud the color of each word, but not the actual word itself. This is a lot harder than it appears because the words don't match...
Category: Shape and Color Gradient Stripe IllusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
14 comment(s)This image shows a grey stripe on a gradient background. The stripe appears to be shaded with a grey gradient also, however if you look closely you'll see that in reality the stripe is the same color ...
Category: Shape and Color Same Color IllusionAdded: February 12, 2013 |
13 comment(s)In this picture the squares marked A and B are exactly the same color, despite the fact that A looks a lot darker than B. The fact that B falls within the shadow of the green object fools the eyes in ...
Category: Shape and Color Mystery ImageAdded: February 12, 2013 |
181 comment(s)The question here is straight forward enough - what is this a picture of ? The answer is simpler than you might think....
Category: Shape and Color Missing BlockAdded: February 12, 2013 |
43 comment(s)On this grid are two triangles made up of several different colored pieces. The first triangle is complete, however the second triangle which appears to consist of all the same pieces as the first has...